Bowling Night
The HBC Young Adult Ministry is going bowling on March 21st from 7-9pm at Strikezone in Southaven, MS! The cost is $20.

HBC Young Adult Weekly Activities
Meets each Sunday morning at 9:30AM in
Room E217.
Room E217.
Meets each Thursday evening @ 6:30PM in
the fellowship hall.
the fellowship hall.

Garrett Veazey
Young Adult & Missions Pastor
Hi there! Garrett here – the Young Adult and Missions Pastor at Hernando Baptist Church. Did you know that, according to Barna Research, 64% of 18 to 29-year-olds who grew up in church have withdrawn from church involvement? This sobering statistic makes Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:38 all the more relevant for the church today: “therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” My heart’s desire is to see young adults changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, becoming disciples who make disciples. I want to see an army for the Lord brought forth from our young adults! Please reach out to me at [email protected] or 662.429.6361 should you have any questions relating to young adult ministry at HBC.