Discipleship Groups

…teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:20a

Discipleship Groups seek to lead people along a path toward a deepening relationship with Jesus. Our hope is that  as you grow and abide in Christ, connecting in relationships with others, you will be equipped to better serve and share the Gospel. We desire to walk with Jesus daily in a Transformed Journey leading to personal application.

Discipleship Groups: Spring 2025
Scroll down for all available groups...


Feasting on the Word (Coed)

Leader: David Williamson
Room: C120
Coed group designed for those who cannot commit to a consecutive 9-week schedule
for specific discipleship groups. Are you interested in discussing Sunday’s sermon with
others? Are you excited about sharing what God has been teaching you from the
church’s Bible reading plan? This is the Wednesday discipleship group for you! Bring
your Bible, no book purchase required.

When You Pray (Women)

Leader: Jennifer Williamson
Room: C126
Recommended Book Cost: $25
Women’s group – Prayer is a gift—an invitation to talk with God. But prayer can also be
a challenge. Thankfully in God’s Word we encounter many voices who teach us how to
pray. You’ll find that when you pray, your faith is strengthened and your heart is united to

Habits of the Household (Coed)

Leader: Kyle & Mel Gomes
Room: C123
Book Cost: $10
Daily habits are powerful ways to shape the heart--but do you find yourself
giving in to screen time just to get through the day? You want to parent with purpose--
but do you know how to start? Habits of the Household gives you the tools to create
structure--from mealtimes to bedtimes--that free you to parent toddlers, kids, and teens
with purpose.

Luke in the Land (Women)

Leader: Michael Ann Dillinger
Book Cost: $25
Room: C125
Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from
the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. This will challenge
the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to
locations like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to

What Every Christian Ought to Know Day by Day (Coed)

Leaders: Allen Musselwhite
Book Cost: $15
Room: C129
The teaching of the Adrian Rogers lives on in this day-by-day adaptation of his acclaimed final book, What Every Christian Ought to Know. Just as plants need essentials to grow—light, water and fertile soil—so do Christians who want to develop strong spiritual roots and bear good fruit.

Tell Someone (Coed)

Leader: Jason & Mandy Jordan
Book Cost: $20
Room: C127
Evangelism is simply telling two stories: Jesus’s and yours (how Jesus changed your life forever). Everybody loves to tell and hear stories. The goal is not to win arguments but to win souls. We share the gospel because we love God and we love other people.

Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life (Coed)

Leader: Ben & Rachel Stigler
Room: C122 - This group is full, please select another option. Thank you!
Book Cost: $20
By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one
will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them,
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to
become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity.

Hebrews Overview (Women)

Leader: Karen Priebe & Rozan McKnatt
Room: E201 This group is full, please select another option. Thank you!
Join us as we work through the Book of “Hebrews” together. “Hebrews” encourages the persecuted Jews (and all believers) not to doubt and to stay faithful because Jesus is superior or better than anything they had previously experienced or believed. May we deeply know our Superior Savior and find our completeness in HIM through unhindered unstoppable unconditional faith. Bring your Bible and notepad. No book purchase required.

ABIDE in Christ -- CONNECT with Christians --
SERVE all people -- SHARE the Gospel

Discipleship for kids, students, and adult choir rehearsal each week too.