"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."
Matthew 28:19
Hernando Baptist is committed to spreading the message of the Gospel in Hernando, in our nation, and around the world to see others experience the love of Jesus Christ. Our passion is that our neighbors and the nations hear of Jesus, that God might be glorified throughout the world. Our love of God and love of people compels us to make Jesus known, whether it be through mission journeys abroad, local ministry service, or intentional conversations in everyday life. Partner together with us on the greatest mission of all time.

Dallas Mission Trip 2025
There will be a mission trip to Dallas from March 8-15,2025 for students in grades 9th-12th. We will be serving refugee families at For the Nations by building relationships with them through sharing the gospel and aiding in educational programs. Sign-ups for this trip are now closed. If you have any questions regarding this mission trip, please reach out to Garrett at [email protected].

Jamaica Mission Trip 2025
The 2025 Jamaica Mission Trip will be July 12-19, 2025. This trip is for all adults and students in grades 6th-12th who are accompanied by a parent. The cost for this trip is $1,500 with a $150 deposit due on November 30th. For more information, visit www.islego.com/jamaica. If you are interested in going on this trip, please reach out to Garrett at [email protected].

Other 2025 mission trips are still in the works. Please stay tuned for more information.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips.
In Mattthew 28, we are called to "go to all nations". We fulfill this call by not only serving our own nation here in the United States, but also by going on mission trips abroad to support the efforts of missionaries that we partner with and support as a church. Ultimately, our goal is to share the life changing news that Jesus, the Son of God, lived a perfect life, died a sinners death, rose from the dead and is coming back again.
Whoever believes this to be true, repents of their sins and accepts Jesus as Lord "will not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
Whoever believes this to be true, repents of their sins and accepts Jesus as Lord "will not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

Garrett Veazey
Young Adult & Missions Pastor
Hey, this is Garrett! I’m the Young Adult and Missions Pastor here at Hernando Baptist Church. Jesus commanded us all to “go and make disciples” when he gave the Great Commission in Matthew 28, and it is my desire to give members of HBC as many opportunities as possible to do just that. Whether you are volunteering locally, serving within the United States, or going on a trip across the world, I want to help you enter that mission equipped for action. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or 662.429.6361 if you have any questions about missions at HBC!