Life Groups

Doing life together. 

And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works.

Hebrews 10:24 CSB

At Hernando Baptist, we value godly relationships that are built on the principles of God’s Word. Life Groups connect people in godly, growing relationships that will thrive. When you abide in Christ and connect with other believers you will discover ways to serve people both in the church and in our community sharing the Gospel here and throughout the world . We seek to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We study God’s Word in order to grow in our love for Him and others... leading all people to be transformed by Jesus Christ.

Life Group Studies

Our Kids, Students, and some Adult Life Groups use the curriculum, The Gospel Projectwhere each week we continuously trace the need for redemption in the stories of the gospel and our stories, too. Some of our other Adult Life Groups use Bible Studies for Life - which is best described as a balanced, relatable approach to studying the Bible, and other adult groups use the material from Explore the Bible - biblical truth for the whole person. We place a priority on studying the Word of God together as we abide in Christ and connect with one another, serving inside and outside the church, sharing Christ with the world.

What are Life Groups all about at Hernando Baptist Church?
Check out the video below as Pastor Ron gives a brief description of the purpose of Life Groups at HBC.

Life Groups

For Adults


College & Career -  Garrett Veazey | E217

20+ Women - Blair Hill | E202
20+ Coed - Ben & Stephanie Womble | E218

30+ Coed – Doug & Amy Boyles | E224

30+ Coed - Kyle & Mel Gomes | E208

Open Adult Coed - Jason & Mandy Jordan | E212

40+ Coed – Jamie & Jennifer Pourciaux | C100

40+ Women  – Karen Priebe |E201

40+ Men - Heyward Savage & John Bienvenu| E214

50+ Coed – Mike & Cheryl Perkins | E210

55+ Coed – Hank Jackson |C120

55+ Women  – Jan Jackson | C125

60+ Women  - Rose Sitton | C122


30+ Coed – Matthew & Jennifer Parker | E224

30+ Coed – Nick & Katie Broadway | E211

40+ Women  – Joyce Leonard | C123

55+ Women - Vivian Heimbach  | C129

55+ Coed  -Scott & Vicki Griffith | E203

55+ Coed – Tommy & Deniese Swindoll | C100

60+ Coed – Gary Black | C120

60+ Coed  - Jim & Betty May | E209

65+ Coed – Duane & Nancy Steadham | C122

Life Groups

For Students


Middle School Boys - Allen Musselwhite & Shane Wigley | E205

Middle School Girls - Lacey Conaway & Julie Camp| E204

9th & 10th Grade Boys - Michael Conaway & Andy Keen| E207

9th & 10th Grade Girls - Rozan McKnatt & Katie Keen | E206

11th & 12th Grade Coed - Chad & Gwen Fowler | E211

Life Groups

For Kids


1st Grade - Kenny & Karla Stockton | E111

2nd & 3rd Grade - Ryan & Kristen Overall| E222

4th & 5th Grade - Carrie Wigley & Jennifer Marshall | E220


1st Grade – Wanda Davis | E113

2nd-5th Grade – Chris & Adrianne Campbell | E222

Life Group

For Preschool


Bed Babies – McCammon/Stewart/Young | Room E101

16-24 Months – Stacey & Jeff Pirtle | Room E102

2 Year Olds – Bob & Barby Reaves | Room E106

3 Year Olds – Myles & Lauren Grim | Room E107

4 Year Olds – Jeffery & Morgan Harrison | Room E108

5 Year Olds – Pam Silva & Christy Thornhill | Room E109


Bed Babies – Extended Session Workers | E101

16-24 Months – Extended Session Workers | E102

2 -3Year Olds - Extended Session Workers | E106

4-5 Years Old – Katie McMinn | E112

Ron Leonard

Pastor of Discipleship & Administration

Hi, my name is Ron! I'm the Pastor of Discipleship & Administration here at Hernando Baptist Church.  I believe Life Groups are an integral part of who we are as a church.  My passion is for every church member to be actively involved in a Life Group, walking with Christ in discipleship, and making disciples. In Life Groups we connect with others, study God’s Word and apply His Word as we serve together and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about Life Groups or how you can serve in this ministry, I would love to talk with you further.  You can contact me at [email protected] or 662.429.6361.