The Worship Ministry at HBC provides multiple opportunities to lead in worship for all ages and talents or abilities.
Children's Choir
meet each Wednesday during the school year from 5:45-6:15PM in E-110/112
Youth Praise Team
rehearse each Wednesday afternoon from 5:15-5:45PM in the Youth Room
Adult Worship Choir
meet each Wednesday evening from 6:15-7:30PM in the Choir Room
Praise Singers
meet each Wednesday evening from 7:45-8:30PM in the Sanctuary
Praise Instrumental Team
meet each Wednesday evening from 7:45-8:30PM in the Sanctuary
Children's Choir
meet each Wednesday during the school year from 5:45-6:15PM in E-110/112
Youth Praise Team
rehearse each Wednesday afternoon from 5:15-5:45PM in the Youth Room
Adult Worship Choir
meet each Wednesday evening from 6:15-7:30PM in the Choir Room
Praise Singers
meet each Wednesday evening from 7:45-8:30PM in the Sanctuary
Praise Instrumental Team
meet each Wednesday evening from 7:45-8:30PM in the Sanctuary

Chris Cauthen
Pastor of worship & media
Hi, my name is Chris! Our church family at HBC loves to worship Christ Jesus together each week. The HBC Worship Ministry exists to prepare and lead believers in glorious praise and worship during our times together as a church family. Through singing, corporate prayer, public reading of Scripture, and times of special music, the HBC Worship Ministry seeks to bring believers to a deeper time of worship of Jesus Christ. You can email me at [email protected] or contact our church office at 662.429.6361.